Server Virtualization has gained huge popularity among businesses for which their data is of utmost importance. Server Virtualization enables a company to host multiple virtual servers by physically hosting just a single server. In the past, only large scale companies adopted this technique but in recent years, Virtualization options have been customized to cater the needs of small and medium sized businesses as well. Now, companies rely on virtual servers irrespective of their sizes. There are a number of benefits of using virtual servers, few of them have been explained below:
- The physical machines rely heavily on uninterrupted power supply and consume a lot of energy, hence, increasing utility cost of a company by many folds. Once the systems are made virtual, they do not need any power supply. The company not only saves energy cost of running computers but also of fans and air-conditioning units installed in server rooms. The annual saving in this way is tremendous.
- Virtualization also reduces space requirements of a company. Small companies can easily save their rent amount by virtual hosting their servers. Usually the companies have to rent in or set up a secure room for storing data on server machines. This adds to the space requirements and hence, to the company’s expenditure. Through Virtualization, this space can be used for other productive things.
- Once you choose to go virtual; your reliance on physical machines will reduce. As a result, a number of servers that you have previously purchased will get useless and can be sold out. Servers that are in good condition can be sold for a good amount and can result in increasing liquidity of your company. Old and unusable machines can even be sold out in the scrap and earn some amount.
- Portability of data increases tremendously if the data is stored virtually. Transfer of data from one virtual server to another is quick and easy. Data recovery in case of disaster is therefore, very fast and reliable in case the data is stored virtually. In case a company shifts its office from one location to another, transferring of servers and data is not an issue at all.
- Virtual systems reduce your reliance on physical machines. With lesser physical machines available, repair and maintenance cost of the machine is reduced as well. In addition to repair and maintenance expenditures, virtual systems also reduce need of IT troubleshooters and hence, save huge amounts in the payroll account of the company.
Server virtualization is definitely a solution to many data related issues faced by companies in today’s business world. All companies, irrespective of their size and future growth plans can benefit from this option. Virtual servers are reliable, cost effective and efficient. The data is maintained by professionals with highest integrity and responsibility. Virtualization does not reduce the access and control over data flows. The client can access and make modifications in the data anytime through internet connection. It helps saving thousands of dollars annually without compromising on efficiency of the systems.
Author Bio
Maegan Pulman is a freelance IT consultant and technology enthusiast. She is active in local and international IT events and is always on the lookout for the latest industry trends.
Server Virtualization - The Benefits
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