Saturday, 24 August 2013

Benefit from the Wide Range of PosiRank’s SEO Automated Services

At Posirank, you can create your free account to have a look around all our services, selecting which, you can manage every SEO activity for your clients, without having to involve a lot of labor.

Here is a look at what we offer at Posirank:

Link Building/ Contextual Promotions

Contextual link building is actually one of the building blocks of SEO, as with the help of it, search engine determines the mere value of any particular website versus its competitors. Although Google Penguin and Panda have changed a lot of ways through which SEO was done in the past, however building high quality contextual backlinks is still the key to a successful SEO campaign. You can enjoy high quality links built for your client’s website with the help of PosiRank’s contextual promotion services.

Our contextual promotion service is comprised of the following activities:

-       Professional Press Release Distribution at the Enterprise Level

-       Featured Publication on Web 2.0 sites with Social Media Marketing

-       Professional and 100% Unique Article Writing from US Writers

-       Blogging and Guest Blogging (currently under process)

All of the services have the option of automatic reporting and a complete detailed report is also available against all the activities for the complete satisfaction of your clients.

3 Tiered Promotion of Your Site

The three tiered promotion has emerged as a winner amongst all the SEO techniques, especially after Google’s Penguin, Panda and several other updates, spoiled the party for avid link builders. The three tier building helps to create natural links, (simulating the effects of a blog post that becomes viral all over the internet, and is therefore linked to and from various high quality blogging and social networking sites). All this helps in accumulation of link juice which is then, sent to your client’s site. There are two stages involved in our three tier promotion process.

Stage 1: Aztec

Stage 1 includes the following activities:


Tier 1: 5 Web 2.0 authority sites and Social Bookmarks (100)

Tier 2: 12-20 Web 2.0 Blogs of PR4 and above, 100+ Article Submissions, 100-125 Web 2.0 Blogs (PR1+) & 5,000 Supportive Backlinks for Traffic/Reinforcement. The 2nd tier is powered with the help of our SmartMention Technology.

Tier 3: 10,000 Supportive Backlinks for Traffic. The 3rd tier is also powered by our SmartMention technology

Here is a graphical view of it:

Stage 2: Giza

Stage 2 contains the following activities:


Tier 1: 10 Web 2.0 Authority sites, Social Bookmarks (200) & 1 Professional Press Release

Tier 2: 12-20 Web 2.0 Blogs of PR4 and above, 150-200+ Article Submissions, 200-250+ Web 2.0 Blogs of PR1 and above & 10,000 Supportive Backlinks for Traffic. The 2nd tier is powered with the help of our SmartMention Technology.

Tier 3: 20,000 Supportive Backlinks for Traffic and Reinforcement. The 3rd tier is powered with the help of our SmartMention Technology.

Here is a graphical view of it:

Other services in contextual promotions include the following:

-       Social Bookmarking and Sharing

-       Listing on Local Business Pages

-       Topical Directory of High PR

-       Deep linking Directories

Social Media Promotions:

social media

Social Media has surely become the blue eyed of Search engines, helping to increase website’s strength to a greater level. You can thus say that social signals make the entire website trustworthy and credible in the eyes of search engines.

Our Social Networking Strategy revolves around the following activities:

-       Facebook Likes and Shares

-       Twitter Followers and Tweets

-       Google + 1’s and Followers

Video Promotions and Content Creation Services

vedio promotion

We also provide video creation and distribution services, targeting youtube and vimeo aggressively. Also full fledge content creation services are available, ranging from a 350 word article to a 1000 word article, as per your requirements.

So automate your whole work and avail all or any of the above mentioned services of Posirank to achieve your clients’ targets.

Christina Smith is an expert in Social Media Marketing. She has worked for various websites and has helped them by developing, fully functional social media strategies. She has also used’s automated SEO services to compliment her social media marketing work and recommends it for all.

Benefit from the Wide Range of PosiRank’s SEO Automated Services

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