Monday, 26 August 2013

Technology-Based Interventions: Could Geeks Really Save the Day?

Technology-based interventions are on the rise because people like to turn to tablets and smartphones when they have questions or need help. For instance, when you have a medical question, you probably search the Internet for an answer before consulting with a doctor.

Because of this lifestyle, there are now technology-based interventions for all sorts of things, such as early education, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and many mental disorders. Technology may not be able to solve everything, but take a look at some of the problems it can.

Technology-Based Interventions for Early Education Skills

Kegan & Gregory on the Computer
Image via Flickr by Joel8x

Children placed in a classroom with 30 other students rarely get one-on-one instruction from their teachers. This means it’s common for students to get behind in their reading and math skills at an early age. Luckily, several technology-based intervention systems are helping students stay on grade-level. Many school districts buy interactive computer programs to give students the help they need. Parents can also buy intervention systems to make sure their children learn good reading and math skills.

Technology-Based Interventions for Depression

People get depressed for all sorts of reasons, such as financial problems, caring for elderly parents, juggling too many things, etc. Not surprisingly, technology-based interventions have been brought in to try to treat depression.

One study from the Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences at the University of Miami, School of Medicine shows that people who are depressed because of their caregiver status show improvement after six months of technology-based family therapy. There are countless other studies that show the effectiveness of technology in treating depression.

Technology-Based Interventions for Drug and Alcohol Abuse


Image via Flickr by d o l f i

People who have problems with drug or alcohol abuse typically seek help from rehab centers or psychiatrists to overcome their addictions. Some rehab centers take a more holistic addiction treatment route than others, but technology-based interventions are also becoming more and more common.

In general, technology-based programs are better at drug and alcohol abuse prevention. However, Dr. Marsch, from the Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center says, “Using technology can improve substance abuse prevention and treatment in a way that is cost effective and increases reach to new target audiences, including the many people with substance use disorders who are not in treatment.” This means people who cannot afford rehab centers can still get help through technology.

Technology-Based Interventions for Mental Disorders

There are all sorts of mental disorders, such as bi-polar disease, schizophrenia, autism, and just slow mental development. Technology-based interventions are helping people with mental disorders function in society at a higher level than ever before. This is because the treatment programs are highly focused on the skills that people with certain disorders lack.

The Australian National University Centre for Mental Health Research analyzed several mental health studies that used technology-based interventions. They concluded that more research was necessary, but many patients did see behavioral improvement.

As you can see, technology-based interventions are improving people’s health and lives. Do you know of any other interventions? Leave a comment below.

Technology-Based Interventions: Could Geeks Really Save the Day?

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