Colocation is perhaps the best choice for big business wanting full control of their server. But, it doesn’t mean that this type of hosting service doesn’t carry its own problems. So, if you consider using colocation as the solution for your online presence, you should be aware of the problems that may arise with it later. Here are 5 common problems associated with colocation hosting:
1. It Can Be A Costly Option
Colocation hosting costs more money to manage. First of all, you need to purchase your own server hardware and software. Then, you have to rent the physical space, bandwidth, connection speed, etc. Often, you also need to pay more for the maintenance service of your server. Thus, unless you have a successful business online, you might not need to use this type of hosting in the first place. However, if you have a constantly evolving website with the need of stable bandwidth and reliable service, this hosting service might be for you. But, it can cost a considerably more than renting regular web space in a good web host.
2. The Service Provider Might Be Hard To Find
You might not be able to find a good colocation hosting provider in your area. There are not many companies that provide this type of service. Some web hosting providers might provide a colocation hosting service, but they are mostly big and established service providers. Most likely, small web hosting companies will not provide this type of service due to various reasons, such as lack of demand, high maintenance cost, etc.
3. Location Problem
Since you need to move your own server hardware to the hosting providers, it means that you need to keep the distance between your company and your colocation hosting provider to be as close as possible. This is because it will be more convenient for you to travel back and forth between your company and your hosting provider when you need to do something with your server. If the distance is too far, then it will cause big inconvenience as well as other related problems for your business.
4. Unstable Service Price
While most regular web hosting services will offer you fixed price for their service, you will not find any fixed price for your colocation hosting provider. This unstable pricing can shoot your business down if you are not careful with it. The cost of bandwidth is constantly increasing, and your colocation provider will certainly charge more money to you if you consume more of their bandwidth. Thus, you may need to pay more web hosting bill each and every month, especially if you have a constant traffic rise in your website. Please note that if you use regular web hosting service, you will pay a fixed price regardless of how much bandwidth you consume in any given month. Of course, it will depend on the service contract.
5. You Need A Dedicated IT Team
Most of the time, you need to manage your own server yourself. If you don’t know anything about server technology related with the hardware and software, you will definitely need to hire your own dedicated IT team to help you manage your server as well as your website. Though you can ask your hosting provider to manage your server for you, you will still need to pay an extra cost for this service. Also, having your own IT team will be more convenient, especially because they would manage your server as you would like it to be.
Those are the most common problems associated with colocation hosting. You might not realize about those problems when you first starting out, but later you will know that those problems can be frustrating to deal unless you know about them beforehand.
Bob Spiegel, the author of this article, is the founder of QuoteColo, a Plymouth, MA based company that offers colocation services (link to ) to small businesses and enterprise companies. Connect with Bob on Twitter at quotecolo
5 Common Problems Associated With Colocation Hosting
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