Wednesday, 31 July 2013

DSL: What, When And Why?

You’re begging your parents to get your home a digital subscriber line. And they go nuts, because they are not well-informed as to what it really means. So they ask you, the What, When and Why of the DSL. And you’re clueless. But fret no more, here are the answers:


A Digital subscriber line, or originally called a digital subscriber loop that network of technologies that allow for Internet access by conveying digital data over the wires of a local telephone network. The term DSL is mostly equates to asymmetric digital subscriber line which is the most commonly installed DSL technology. A DSL service is delivered simultaneously with wired telephone service on the same telephone line thus it is often bundled with a telephone line.


1948: A Mathematical Theory Of Communication

This is a paper written by Claude Shannon. It somewhat describes a vision for in inter-cnnected network where people can exchange ideas, and even files over a world-widely connected series of networks.

1979: That’s Mine!

An early patent for the DSL was filed in 1979. It made use of existing telephone wires for both voice phones and data terminals which were connected to a remote computer via a digital data carrier system.

1984: Slowly, But Surely

The inspiration behind the digital subscriber line technology was the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) whose specification was proposed in 1984 by the then CCITT (now popular as the ITU-T) which was to be a part of Recommendation I.120,

1988: Another File

Theemployees at Telcordia Technologies developed the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ADSL by placing wide-band digital signals above the existing baseband analog voice signal carried between telephone company telephone exchanges and customers on conventional twisted pair cabling facilities.


1.Because it will help you access more research materials. These days, Internet articles are considered in the bibliography as online sources of information. So it is indeed valid to use the internet for research.

2.To get them connected. Calling and texting are way behind the technology now. There are more ways to connect, using software that require internet connection, they can easily talk to their relatives from other parts of the world, and even locally, all at a much lower cost than telephone bills.

3.To enable file sharing. Since most school works require you to submit paper works, there are professors who choose to receive the files via e-mail. This way, they can easily check if the submission is on time and if the paper is original or copied from another web site.

4.You can download and upload picture and videos. Let the whole world see what you’ve been up to these days. Download music videos and other self-help videos. Copy new recipes online for mom. Preview the NBA highlights with dad. Download the presentation you need to review for your thesis defense.

5.Online banking—for days when you are too lazy to get out of the house and dress up to go to the bank.

Author Bio

Mike is a internet consultant and one of the fine dsl providers; he contributed many articles on topics like technology/internet to improvise the knowledge of readers. 

DSL: What, When And Why?

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