With the boom in internet marketing, many case studies, both of successful and frankly boring internet marketing activities have emerged. These offer many insights into internet marketing, and more importantly, how a few changes in your paradigm can drastically change your entire outlook and perspective of internet marketing.
Channelized well, the internet can bring you fame, fortune and fans.
Know that it is a campaign
There is a difference between a internet marketing activity and a campaign. Simply setting up a Facebook page and working to get fans and Likes – that is an activity. Organizing regular activities, developing a sense of consistency in the content you put out, and constantly adapting to new ways to make everything better (visibility, fan experience, etc), and giving the fans to look forward to over a period of time – that’s how a campaign stands out.
There’s nothing wrong with a one-day Facebook placement – if simply awareness is what you’re looking for. However, a campaign means you need to design a plan that covers all your bases as per your goals and brand, and make it adaptable.
Quality over Content on Social Media
More often than not, scoring thousands of fans overnight does not indicate that your brand has “made it.” It won’t increase sales, visibility, or even overall Facebook relevance. Even a novice internet marketer knows that you can buy Facebook Likes (or for that matter, Twitter and Pinterest followers for a small fee)
On the other hand, a few hundred loyal fans that are engaged by your content, responsive on your social media feed, and are personally invested enough to spare a few minutes of their online time on your content - they are more valuable.
Know your Goals
This is perhaps, but most commonly ignored principle of any internet marketing. There is no shame in being clear that you want to use the internet to target potential buyers, or to advertise something.
Simply put, do you want fame, fortune or fans – or all of them?
If you are not focusing your energies into one clearly specified goal, your efforts will be scattered, diluted by wanting to do too much – and you’ll end up boring the fans.
A few conversions to actual purchases are preferable to people who are looking to simply Like or Retweet a post and then forget about it.
It could be a Google ad for that matter. The point is, state your USP, and state your price clearly. People are looking to buy too.
Are you relevant to real life?
Especially for online sales branding, you have to be relevant to their real life experience. It could as simple as regularly posting photos of happy customers and testimonials, or spotting their wares in destinations around the city or country. You have to make your customers know that this is not just another online-entity but a physical tangible product that they can also be a part of.
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