Thursday 19 December 2013

Secure eCommerce Websites Selling Strongly

There was a time when the only shopping trolley that you saw was on a visit to a supermarket; not any more. The trolley and basket symbols are now used extensively on eCommerce websites that have made major inroads into consumer spending.

 E commerce


The idea of going online to actually buy products and services is still relatively new. In the early days the pioneers of eCommerce actually budgeted for a loss but were committed to the concept of trading online. Their patience has been well and truly rewarded with online shopping starting to cause serious problems to High Streets everywhere. In the more rural areas of the UK the Government is extremely keen to provide good broadband services. These areas such as parts of Scotland and Cornwall have been at the forefront of trials of new technology by BT and the population of these areas are more than happy to get better Internet provision and eCommerce alternatives.

Such sites cannot provide the service of a good sales assistant that looks after you when you walk through the door but they have overcome that by offering online contact and secure payment gateways. It means that personal credit and debit card details cannot be accessed by anyone not authorised to do so; encryption ensures that no one at all sees your card details and the transaction can be completed without you needing to worry.


If you are looking to create a successful eCommerce website you will need help. You will also need to make sure that you include a good deal of information on your pages not just a stark button which says ‘buy.’ If you look at one of the early pioneers,, you will see that clearly; excerpts of a book you may be thinking of buying, reviews and similar books that might also interest you. is a source of information as well as a direct retailer and that encourages people not only to return but also to buy. It has created just the right balance because the website is marketing as well as selling.

Create trust

Few people will buy from you the first time they go to your website. You have to have a user friendly and attractive website certainly but you must also have good content to make them want to return. You are attempting to build up trust in the consumer’s mind as a prelude to their return armed with a credit card.

This is the scene your expert will set when designing a website and planning the content that will accompany the products you are selling. You will also need your website developing so that it reaches a strong position on the search engines but that is also something you can leave to your expert. All you need to do is ensure that the proposition you are presenting to your visitors is attractive.

If you think your business could be taking advantage of eCommerce opportunities then look for expert local web design in Cornwall for help. If you want a good eCommerce website that will tempt consumers not just to look and compare prices but to actually get their credit cards out and buy, local knowledge is invaluable.

Secure eCommerce Websites Selling Strongly

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