Monday, 4 November 2013

Understanding the Business Benefits of Windows Cloud Servers

Information technology (IT) is not the same today as it was 20, 10 or even five years ago. One of the biggest changes over the past couple of years is the utilization of cloud computing, servers and applications to streamline IT services. For a company to stay ahead of the competition, they must understand all current or developing technologies, including Windows cloud servers. Luckily, it will be easy to implement these services — in fact, a blog post by Rackspace declares it will be no harder to run Windows from the cloud than from a standalone server. Understanding some of the most important benefits of using Windows cloud servers will simplify your decision to make the leap with your company. After all, in the near future more and more programs will run on cloud servers as well.

Windows IT professionals need support

Windows Cloud Server is a more up-to-date version of the Windows Server program. The current Windows Server program is widely used by professionals in many industries. However, this program is becoming outdated. In fact, according to the Microsoft Website, the 2003 version of Windows Server will cease to be supported at all by Microsoft after 2015. Your company deserves to have tech support on its side to help it with daily functions and to assist with culture growth and change. The new cloud-based version of Windows server is well supported and ready to leap into the future.

Companies that support technology are more likely to succeed

Designing, developing and deploying applications is very important today and will likely only become more so. Companies that have the ability to support the innovative technology today as well as the technology that may become important in the future are going to experience more success over the long term.

There is a need to meet increasing data requirements

Performance requirements are always changing and companies need to be able to meet the needs of their customers as these requirements change by building scalable resources. Using a cloud server means that scalability will never be a problem, since the server can be adjusted, it will never remain stagnant. As consumers and businesses keep using more app-based programming, data requirements will continue to grow. Think about what the data requirements were when Windows Server 2003 was developed. Today’s requirements are much more intense — while there have been workarounds, a cloud server can grow and change with the needs of technology.

These are just a few of the more important reasons why a Windows cloud server is a good choice for many organizations. Spending time learning about this service and how it can work with your already established service can help make your IT department run smoothly both now and in the future. An Infographic from Rackspace states that 48 percent of SMBs anticipate purchasing cloud services in two to three years. If you are not part of this percentage, you are likely to fall further behind in the cloud revolution — making it even harder to thrive in a hugely competitive business environment.


Understanding the Business Benefits of Windows Cloud Servers

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